Hello and welcome
I'm Mark Jones. I've been working over twelve years as a new media author for a blue chip client list. I am currently enjoying life as a freelance designer.
New media portfolio
Take a look through my portfolio of recent work and CV. If you have a project I can help you with please contact me.
Why 'enile.co.uk'?
The domain name was available, short and fairly memorable - and 'enile' has long been my online identity.
Designing a website
If I'm a multimedia wizard, why don't I have a fancy flash site?
I try to get the content to the customer as quickly and simply as possible - and online that usually means a website built with html. This gives other advantages, such as searchability, accessibility and compatibility.
Bells and whistles
Rich media is useful for grabbing attention away from static content, or for providing interactive games, interactive kiosks and learning materials. See some flash examples in my portfolio.